Reads: Apple Ecosystem Lock-in, Smart Home Perils & More

Why despite Apple's walled garden approach, millions are ready to purchase its latest shiny gadget, thus effectively raising questions about whether will it ever play nice with others, and other interesting reads from the web...
  1. The House That Spied on Me - Gizmodo
  2. How Facebook Outs Sex Workers - Gizmodo
  3. The HomePod is the Point of No Return for Apple Fans - The Verge
  4. Science's Pirate Queen - The Verge
  5. What Teenagers are Learning from Online Porn - The New York Times
  6. Silicon Valley's Tax-avoiding, Job-killing, Soul-sucking Machine - Esquire
  7. The Trees That Sail to Sea - Hakai Magazine
  8. Amazon: Prime Economy - Reuters
